Born and raised in East Germany in a family of pastors, many of them women, I learnt to play by the rules of society. Be a nice girl, get good grades, go to university, find a stable job. Which ever ‘logical’ step I took, I heard this voice in my head saying “this can’t be it.” This can’t be all of what is possible and available for me. There’s got to be more.
I always felt like I wanted to do my own thing, but I didn’t know how and where to begin.
Everything changed when I got support and learnt to listen to the wisdom of my body. It allowed me to find safety within myself and therefore in the world and to show up more powerfully as a person. It allowed me to take leaps and move from a place of knowing I am worthy of the life I desire and that truly works for me. Slowly, I began to uncover how I wanted to serve and contribute.
It is a daily practice to allow myself to follow what feels good. Not needing to be busy and do things to know I am enough and rather continuing to expand my container to be a vessel for the people I get to serve.
You are worthy, too!
Another big part of my journey is calling in romantic partnership. Finding safety in my body, learning how to speak my truth from an empowered place, and continuously showing up for myself allowed me to make space for my man to come into my life. Especially for ambitious women, as I considered myself, finding a partner who honors and cherishes us for all of us can feel unattainable. Well, it is not. It is possible for you!