Inspiring thoughts and intimate conversations with curious humans, creatives, entrepreneurs, and thought leaders who share their perspectives on what it means to be human in life and business.

061. Lass Dir Zeit mit Anastasia Barner
Sophia Heinke Sophia Heinke

061. Lass Dir Zeit mit Anastasia Barner

GERMAN EPISODE: Anastasia Barner gehört zu den jüngsten Gründerinnen Deutschlands und weiß, worauf es bei der Gründung wirklich ankommt. Ihr Buch "(Ge)Gründet - Start-up-Szene uncovered" ist am 10. Oktober 2023 erschienen und bietet einen spannenden Blick hinter die Kulissen der deutschen Start-up-Szene.

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057. Offline With Alex Waters
Sophia Heinke Sophia Heinke

057. Offline With Alex Waters

How do I really want to live my life? Alex put it really well. You gets to live your life however you choose. The important part is to remember that you have a CHOICE.

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056. Food For Thought Mit Sophie Radke
Sophia Heinke Sophia Heinke

056. Food For Thought Mit Sophie Radke

GERMAN EPISODE: In dieser Folge sprechen Sophie und ich darüber warum wir nicht immer lernen, unserer Leidenschaft zu folgen, worauf es in einem Startup wirklich ankommt und wie wir unser Arbeiten menschlicher machen können.

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055. Money Awakening with Selomé Samuel
Sophia Heinke Sophia Heinke

055. Money Awakening with Selomé Samuel

As they say, money is never the problem, your relationship with it is. Money itself is neutral, it’s whatever you make it to be that makes us a magnet or a repellant for money. It can be the source of all evil or a tool to create a huge impact in this world. It’s up to you!

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054. Opportunities
Sophia Heinke Sophia Heinke

054. Opportunities

Waiting for someone to discover your talent, to read your manuscript, to ask to take your business to the next level? Stop. Right. Now. Whatever you desire, whatever opportunity you're hoping for you can create it for yourself. Maybe it's not a one stop shop. Maybe it requires more steps. Doesn't matter. Just take them.

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053. From Hustling to Regulation with Kayla MacArthur
Sophia Heinke Sophia Heinke

053. From Hustling to Regulation with Kayla MacArthur

Kayla MacArthur is a Transformational Coach and Co-Author of Gravel Roads. She received her Bachelor’s degree in Psychology from Regis College, where she graduated first her in class. Kayla then worked for four years as a residential counselor, coaching young adults with mental illness, before deciding to ditch the conventional career path to blaze her own.

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052. What It Means To Rest
Sophia Heinke Sophia Heinke

052. What It Means To Rest

Lately, I’ve been feeling quite exhausted. For a while actually. Which got me thinking about rest. To be honest, rest is a foreign concept for me. Here is a one reminder for you from diving deeper into rest and learning about how to deal with stress and prevent burnout.

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051. Soulful Entrepreneurship with Marianne Abbott
Sophia Heinke Sophia Heinke

051. Soulful Entrepreneurship with Marianne Abbott

Being an entrepreneur is hard. I don't mean this to be discouraging at all. Of course it's way easier to have a "stable" job and regular income, always know what to expect pretty much and not taking leaps of faith on a regular basis. And, it is also SO rewarding when you can bring something to life that comes from the depth of who you are and is beyond finishing tasks for someone else.

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049. Nächste Hauptrolle: Polizist mit Andreas
Sophia Heinke Sophia Heinke

049. Nächste Hauptrolle: Polizist mit Andreas

GERMAN EPISODE: Mein heutiger Gast ist Andreas. Andreas ist ausgebildeter Schauspieler und Polizist und Student für den Gehobenen Polizeivollzugsdienst. Er ist Genießer, Reiselustiger, Träumer und Kümmerer. Zu seinen Werten gehören: Gerechtigkeit, Toleranz, Selbstreflexion.

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048. What It Means To Be A Woman with Sophie-Rae Martyn
Sophia Heinke Sophia Heinke

048. What It Means To Be A Woman with Sophie-Rae Martyn

Being a woman is such a multilayered thing and we don't talk about the magic of being a women, especially a women entrepreneur, enough. Yes, being a woman comes with challenges and most importantly it comes with an undeniable power. To create and to relate.

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047. Von Burnout zu Balance mit Esther Seibt
Sophia Heinke Sophia Heinke

047. Von Burnout zu Balance mit Esther Seibt

GERMAN EPISODE: Esther ist Meditations- und Yogalehrerin, Coach, Schauspielerin, Sängerin und freie Autorin. Nach vielen erfolgreichen Jahren in Film und Fernsehen trieben persönliche Rückschläge wie Tod und Krankheit, Sucht und Trauma sie in ein Burnout. So begab sie sich auf die Suche nach den großen Fragen des Lebens.

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046. What It Means To Be A Man with Mattis Norrvidd
Sophia Heinke Sophia Heinke

046. What It Means To Be A Man with Mattis Norrvidd

This episode offers valuable insights and practical tips for anyone seeking to create more fulfilling and healthy relationships, whether romantic or not. It also provides thought-provoking perspectives on gender and the role of masculinity in our society.

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045. Living A Fuck Yes Life
Sophia Heinke Sophia Heinke

045. Living A Fuck Yes Life

Living a fulfilling life by your own design is all about taking intentional action towards what you truly want. It may require stepping out of your comfort zone, but it's worth it to create a life that feels like a "fuck yes" every day.

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044. Reclaim Your Confidence with Ali Olivier
Sophia Heinke Sophia Heinke

044. Reclaim Your Confidence with Ali Olivier

In this episode, I have the pleasure of speaking with Ali Olivier, a female empowerment coach who specializes in helping women overcome self-doubt, people-pleasing, and perfectionism. Ali shares her unique approach, which combines science and spirituality, to help women unlock their inner power and reclaim their true self-worth, so they can live a life full of passion and purpose.

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041. The Magic of Beginnings
Sophia Heinke Sophia Heinke

041. The Magic of Beginnings

The rhythm of everything is beginning, middle, and end. Awakening, increasing, containing, and completion. Endings are needed to create space for new beginnings, but they also may come with grief and pain.

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