014. Reason, Season, Lifetime


In life, we move through different Seasons. And SomeTimes, people come into our lives for even just a moment. Understanding the season that we’re in can be powerful awareness to move forward.

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In this episode, I share with you the Elementum Seasonal Model. This model describes the four seasons of nature, winter, spring, summer, and fall, as phases that we move through in our lives. Understanding the purpose of each season and what to focus on in the season that you're in can be a powerful tool to move through your life and forward with what's present for you.


LOW ENERGY: Winter is the end of a chapter. You may feel lost, depressed or hopeless. There is less external action and more internal action-introspection towards realignment. There is a deep sense of no control: you will need to practice surrender and letting go of who you were and what was comfortable for you for the sake of who you’re becoming.

Focus on: Face your inadequacies and accept responsibility. Integrate lessons from last chapter of life. Become more of YOU—align yourself to your top values. Follow your joy. Research and explore new realms. Become deeply connected to your truth in order to create your Vision. Align your Vision with your Values.


HIGH ENERGY: There is a sense of clarity around the vision. This season requires a lot of action to implement and build momentum on the vision. You’re optimistic about the future; engaged and passionate. You are entering unknown territory and your job is to make it known and develop mastery.

Focus on: Training and develop skills towards mastery. Head down in work mode. Networking to expand vision. Discipline, good habits and routine. Keep working on and refining your vision. Prepare for obstacles and build resilience.


HIGH-MID ENERGY: You’re in the flow of your vision and have made your mark. You’re in the zone and your vision is being actualized. Because of this, you may feel a disconnection towards the end of this season: “Is this all there is?”

Focus on: Focus on what’s working and do more of that. Enjoy and celebrate your success. Invest the fruits of your labor in preparation for the fall/winter season. Emotionally prepare yourself for the next season. Finish what you started: bring vision to completion. Start contemplating a new vision.


MID-LOW ENERGY: This season marks the end of a chapter. Things begin to feel stale or stagnant.What used to excite you now feels meaningless or hollow. There may be a clinging to summer, a denial/resistance to summer ending, or anxiety or avoidance of the pending winter season.

Focus on: Tie up loose ends. Plan and prep for winter. Prepare yourself to detox the addiction to results. Acknowledge your achievements, growth, and lessons. Start exploring new possibilities about how you may spend your season of winter.

Want to work together to set up your life based on your inner season? Apply for 1:1 coaching here and we can jump on a call to see if we’re a good fit!


Ep. 014

Reason, Season , Lifetime


015. Journey to the Sacred Feminine with Bonnie Lewis


013. Being A Better Man with Shaun Cooke