002. Feminine and Masculine Leadership


how do you show up in your relationships, in business, in life? Are you being or are you doing? are you receiving or are you giving?

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Let me start with a trigger warning: When I say “feminine” and “masculine”, I'm not not referring to female and male. I'm talking about energy, not gender. I say this because this concept might feel stereotypical to you or not feel feminist – which is not at all what I'm talking about.

I'm talking about energy and energetic dynamics. If you're like me, you believe that everything is energy. Your body. The air you breathe. The tree outside of your house. The book you're reading. Everything is energy. Within these energetic dynamics, there is polarity. In Chinese philosophy they are called yin and yang, in yoga philosphy it is shiva and shakti, and in Western terms, there is the feminine and the masculine energy. We all carry both energies within us.

The feminine is A feeling, flowing, being, receiving energy. the masculine is A going, doing, giving energy.


Ep. 002

feminine and masculine leadership


Think about something that you experienced today. How did you show up? Maybe you had to lead a meeting at work or give a presentation. Maybe you came in, set the agenda and told the team what you want to happen. You were likely in your masculine energy – which again, is unrelated to your gender. Or, you showed up to that meeting and you said, hi everyone, I had some thoughts on this new product that we're developing, and I would love to know what your thoughts are, too. The feminine energy is more inclusive in that way. So there is two different ways to lead in the same situation.

Everybody has a core essence. You either have a more feminine essence or you have a more masculine essence. That is the most natural way for you to show up in the world. Women, people with a female body, usually, have a more feminine essence. Men, people with a male body, usually, have a more masculine essence. Not necessarily, not always, but just as a general observation.

Which energy is most present inside of you? As you go through my day, how are you showing up?

It might be a hint to your essence. However, there are also all your life experiences and what you learned to be safe in the world which also has an impact on how you show up in the world. For me, I grew up without a father. He moved out when I was about two. I had an amazing loving mom that I grew up with and that also had some interesting beliefs about men like you can't rely on men. Men make these promises, but never keep them. And because of those experiences, I developed this sense of feeling I have to take care of everything by myself. I can't rely on anybody else, especially not men. I started putting on this mask, this masculine mask and I got super good at getting stuff done. I went to law school. I'm very structured and analytical – which is more masculine as it is coming from the intellect and not from the intuition, which would be feminine energy.

Remember, there is no right or wrong. The feminine might be more intuitive and it might be very useful in some situations and in some situations it may be a lot more effective to lead with the masculine. Based on my experience and sense of safety, I put on that mask and for a long time I was living in this masculine energy. It took me being in a personal development group coaching program where I learned about feminine masculine dynamics and hearing these distinctions for the first time and it feeling true in my body. Yes, I can feel those energies in the world.

The invitation is to feel into what works for YOU and what feels best in your body, what gives you a sense of ease.

Are you a woman and want to feel more embodied in your femininity? I am here to support you on your journey. Apply for 1:1 coaching with me and we will jump on a call to see if we feel good with each other.


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