020. Healing the Father Wound


when a person’s father figure was absent, either physically or emotionally, this person might experience the “Father Wound.”

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In this episode, I talk about the “father wound.” The father wound is a term to describe the consequences of a father figure being absent. The father might be physically absent, emotionally distant or unavailable, physically or verbally abusive, or overly critical and dismissive of the child’s behavior. Not having a father figure present might show up in (romantic) relationships and a feeling of lack of safety and worthiness.

If that is you, you are not doomed. You can heal the father wound. And I will share with you how in this episode.

There are two common issues that come up around the father wound: Fear of abandonment or loss and a feeling of being unworthy of love. In relationships these might show up as:

  • People pleasing, i.e. not speaking your needs out of fear of rejection.

  • Neediness, i.e. looking outside of yourself for the reassurance, love, and safety you desire.

  • Being the rescuer, i.e. trying to fix your partner hoping to get the love you desire and am worthy of.

  • Attracting emotionally unavailable men (or being emotionally unavailable), i.e. meeting people that are not ready or willing to commit or open their hearts because the absence of a man is what feels more familiar.

Again, you are not doomed. You can heal. Identifying how the father wound shows up in relationships is the beginning of that journey, because we cannot change what we cannot see.

In the episode I also share 6 steps you can take to heal the father wound. It all starts with you believing that it is possible, because it is.

I leave you with this question:

Imagined you had the healthiest, most loving, most liberated Father-figure in the entire world…. what would he say to you?

If you are ready to heal the father wound and build healthier relationships, let me support you. If you are curious about 1:1 coaching with me, you can apply here and we can jump on a call to see if we’re a fit!


Ep. 020

Healing the Father Wound


021. Life Is A Dance with Leilah Simone


019. Jose is Back and a Plot Twist