026. High Intention, Low Attachment


You may have heard of this idea before that we get to be clear about what we desire and hold it loosely so that it can be whatever it needs to be.

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You may have heard “high intention, low attachment” before. It means having a clear vision, that is, a high intention, for what you desire and low attachment to the details of it. Yes, you have clarity and intentionality about where you're going and what you're doing, but you're not attached to what specifically it looks like. Because all of these details, which specific city you're going to live, which specific people you're going to work with, or car you're going to drive, they don't really matter.

You get clear on what you desire and you let God, the Universe, Spirit, take care of the rest.

In this episode, I share about an experience I had the other day of understanding of this in a whole new way. I received this message, this wisdom in my body. I didn’t just intellectually understand it. My whole being GOT IT.

I also talk about how to deal with fear around things not working out or not being possible for you and how you can shift from fearful thinking into living in the realm of possibility.

And may you have high intentions for your life and move towards with low attachment.

If you are curious about 1:1 coaching with me, you can apply here and we can jump on a call to see if we’re a fit!


Ep. 026

High Intention, Low attachment


027. Predictably Extraordinary Results with Emma Garrison


025. No More Hiding with Matrix Quevedo